Salt Lake City/Taylorsville Utah's

Redwood Veterinary Hospital


Logo for Redwood Veterinary Hospital located in Taylorsville, Utah
Salt Lake City/Taylorsville Utah's

Redwood Veterinary Hospital

A lost dog poster on a pole.

Pet Microchips Reunite Pets with Families

HomeAgain, Merck Pharmaceutical's revolutionary program has helped to return over one million pets to their rightful owners. Pet's undergo a safe, minor procedure performed by veterinarians to insert a microchip under their skin. If the pet is lost and ends up in a shelter or a veterinarian's office, the pet is scanned for the microchip. The data in the chip contains references that will lead to your contact information and the safe return of your pet. Over 10 million pets are lost each year - this system can help to recover your pet in the event this would ever happen to your family.

Today, if a lost pet came in to Redwood Veterinary Hospital or another Salt Lake City animal hospital or a local animal shelter, the first procedure is to scan for a microchip. Millions of pets have been reunited with their families thanks to this inexpensive technology. In fact, many pets brought in to Redwood Veterinary Hospital have been found locally, and thanks to their microchip we are able to send them back home the same day, without a trip to the shelter.

Microchips are safe, reliable, and minimally invasive to place. They are about the size of a piece of long-grain rice, and hypoallergenic. It is extremely rare to have any problems at the site of injection, and pets usually don't mind the injection any more than a vaccine. Many times we will place a chip when the pet is anesthetized for another procedure (like a spay, neuter, or dental). We have chosen to carry the Home Again chips at Redwood Veterinary Hospital because our research has shown that this company provides the best service (via online and phone) when we need to contact them about a lost pet. Almost all clinics and shelters now have universal scanners that can read any frequency of microchip.

More Information

Contact Redwood Veterinary Hospital and speak to our knowledgeable staff if you have questions about microchips and your pets! We love this program and what it has done for millions of pet owners.

Logo for Redwood Veterinary Hospital located in Taylorsville, Utah
Salt Lake City Veterinarians
Taylorsville Animal Hospital Since 1982